9 Ways to Improve Your CMAs and Open Houses

In today’s competitive real estate market, refining your strategies for Comparative Market Analyses (CMAs) and open houses can make a significant difference in your success. Here are nine actionable tips to help you stand out and generate more leads.

Focus on Key Lead Generation Strategies

Rather than trying numerous tactics, concentrate on a few proven methods. A great example is the Video CMA, where you send out a personalized video to clients or prospects each day, keeping you top of mind and offering valuable insights into their home’s value.

Use Video CMAs for Ongoing Engagement

Video CMAs provide an excellent opportunity to reconnect with past clients and inform them about their current home equity. Tools like Homebot can help automate this process, making it easy to consistently reach out with meaningful updates.

Transform Your Open Houses

Open houses can be more than just a walkthrough. Extend the hours over several days to accommodate different schedules, and consider offering private previews for neighbors. Adding simple refreshments can also create a more welcoming environment and encourage visitors to stay longer.

Market Your Open Houses Effectively

Marketing is crucial to the success of an open house. Promote your events on social media to reach a broader audience, collaborate with local businesses to enhance the experience, and use attractive signage to draw in more visitors.

Capture Leads Efficiently

Instead of relying on traditional sign-in sheets, use digital tools like tablets or online forms to gather visitor information. This ensures you capture accurate data that seamlessly integrates with your CRM for easy follow-up.

Follow Up with Persistence

Quick and consistent follow-up is key to converting open house visitors into clients. Aim to reach out immediately after the event, and maintain contact over time—studies show that successful conversion often requires 15 to 17 touches.


Improving your CMAs and open houses doesn’t have to be complicated. By focusing on these targeted strategies, you can create more engaging experiences for potential buyers and build stronger relationships with leads, ultimately driving greater success in your real estate business.

Catch all the details—watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/InOHEHujtFI

By Cindy Wadsworth and Pete Becchina | Achieve Real Estate Success

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By Cindy Wadsworth

I have been a full time, licensed Realtor since 1989 and have been ranked in the top 1% of Realtors nationwide for most of my career. In 2000 I was approached to help open a new real estate franchise in the area and became a partner in that franchise. After 20 years of helping to grow that company to almost 300 agents and being their Productivity Coach to coach new agents into the business I decided that I needed a new challenge. In 2021 my partner Pete and I moved our business to eXp Realty where we have been steadily growing our new company and helping agents to grow their business’ as well. I have always been dedicated to providing the highest level of service to my clients. I’m tenacious about reviewing my business to ensure that my customers always receive top quality attention. My team and professional support staff contribute significantly to the rewarding outcome of each transaction. I’m sincerely grateful for the continued support I receive from my clients, friends, and family. Your ongoing referrals are invaluable to me, and I am so thankful for your confidence in me. I intend to continue to do everything I can to create the best possible experience in buying and selling real estate for all of the new clients you send my way and for all of you who I may have the privilege of working with again.


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